Ep. 9 of "Redress Now" featuring the IRM's virtual capacity building training

  • نوع المقالة البودكاست
  • Publication date 14 Dec 2023

In the ninth episode of "Redress Now," we look at the IRM's virtual capacity building training for grievance redress mechanisms of GCF direct access entities. First, we sit down with Paco Gimenez Salinas, IRM compliance and dispute resolution specialist, to understand why the IRM prioritises capacity building. Then, we’ll talk with two participants from the workshop, Earl Green and Elisha St. Luce from the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, also known as the 5 Cs.

The capacity building training is part of the IRM's larger portfolio of capacity building activities.

Redress Now هو بودكاست من قبل آلية الإنصاف المستقلة التابعة لصندوق المناخ الأخضر حيث ننظر إلى عالم المساءلة والإنصاف والتظلم في إطار تمويل المناخ والتنمية الدولية.